Thursday, June 21, 2012

36 weeks: Baby is the size of a honeydew!

It looks like I have a honeydew in my belly! A deliciously sweet as sugar honeydew! 

How far along? 36. 2
Total weight gain: 33 lbs, not worried! I am going to run this off no problem!
Maternity clothes? You betcha! SUper comfy now that I am not working, I can just wear comfy clothes all the time and I am very happy about that! 
Stretch marks? None! The proof is in the picture :) 
Sleep: I LOVE sleeping!! I have been pretty comfortable besides waking up every two hours to pee. I do love the actual sleeping though, I sleep like a really drunk person. 
Best moment this week: Went to the doctors and he said that the baby's head is low and he would induce me at 39 weeks, which means I will have the baby July 10th! 20 DAYS OMG! 
Symptoms: I am actually feeling awesome lately, I was much more uncomfortable a few weeks ago. The only things bothering me are acid reflux and running out of breath easily, but its almost over and I will miss this little guy inside me. 
Miss Anything? Just the wine but in 21 days I am having my wine for sure :)
Movement: All day long, right now he has the hiccups and keeps making my belly jump. Its very entertaining! 
Gender: Boy
Cravings: I just always want ice still! I found the best ice in the world at Melissa's house! I NEED it! 
Labor Signs: just Braxton Hicks and pelvic pressure!
Belly Button in or out? a super super outie! 
Wedding rings on or off? on MOST of the time! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy :) There has been a lot of stress throughout my pregnancy but it all works itself out and in the end I am going to be the happiest ever ! 
Looking forward to: Going to the doctors next Wednesday for an ultra sound and to see how much baby weighs! 

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