Friday, June 15, 2012

35 weeks : baby is the size of a coconut!

I thought I didn't look that pregnant in this shirt, I was apparently wrong. 

Me and my #1 fan :) 

How far along? 35. 3 days  
Total weight gain: 30lbs, yep its true! 
Maternity clothes? Maternity clothes and hubby's clothes!! Anything that is big and comfy! 
Stretch marks? Still NO I am holding out! 
Sleep: Sleep is just okay! It sucks waking up all night long to pee and it sucks worse to get up out of bed! 
Best moment this week: Everything is the best, I cant wait to meet this little guy!! 
Symptoms: It is basically just my back hurting and the Braxton Hicks are not comfortable at all! 
Miss Anything? having a body that I recognize! This body does not belong to me right now and its only getting worse! 
Movement: He moves all the time, reminds me that he is there!! :) 
Gender: Boy
Cravings:  Ice ICE ICE!!! Why is it just so delicious!???? 
Labor Signs: no, he better wait at least 4 more weeks! 
Belly Button in or out? a super super outie! 
Wedding rings on or off? on MOST of the time! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER SUPER happy! I just love this little baby so much it creeps me out! I want to hug him and kiss him and squeeze him!
Looking forward to: Going to the doctors again on Wednesday, their going to see how much he weighs, I can just imagine he is getting BIG!! 

Baby Noah is fully prepared! 

Baby's room finished! Going to need to find a new spot for stroller eventually. 

His precious little crib that he probley won't see until he is like 5 months old. :)

He's got 2 car seats, a bouncy seat and a cute diaper bag ready to go!

TONS of clothes! You will see so many pictures I'm sure of all his outfit changes. 

Wonder how long these will last??

Mommy's Angel 

Diaper Changing table! 

All his toys, cant wait to wheel him around in the wagon! Maybe for Halloween :)

His comfy bedding!

Swing that I will get a lot of use out of I'm sure!

Stuff for the bath!

His little pack and play in our room!

Where I will rock him to sleep hopefully!

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