Friday, June 1, 2012

33 weeks: Baby is the size of a durian (never heard of it!)

This is me on my last day of school! This year flew by! My first year of teaching was such an amazing experience! I learned so much from my students and the great people I worked with. I just cant believe that the year is over! It's bittersweet, because I am very excited for my summer but I am going to miss my little guys :) The kids were so good to me while I was pregnant as was the staff I work with! Thank you to everyone who helped me through this year, I am super grateful! 

How far along? 33.3 weeks  
Total weight gain: 26lbs, its all my big fat baby :)
Maternity clothes? Of course! Aaaand sweat pants and husbands t-shirts! His shirts are even getting tight on me, I can imagine pretty soon they will look like they belong to me!
Stretch marks? Still no LUCKY ME!
Sleep: Sleep has been good because I have been completely EXHAUSTED! I feel like a super drunk person by the end of the day because I am so tired, I could sleep 10 hours and still be tired! 
Best moment this week: Always loving babies movement, its great to know that he is so active! 
Symptoms: My back still hurts at the end of the day and I have restless legs and restless body all the time! I feel like my body is never settled, its so annoying! 
Miss Anything? sitting for longer than a half an hour without having to rush to the bathroom!
Movement: Yep Yep Yep! Noah is hyper!  
Gender: Boy
Cravings: I crave ice like its my job! I want it all day long! 
Labor Signs: nope! 
Belly Button in or out? popped! 
Wedding rings on or off? on! (most of the time)
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am super happy! I feel super excited for baby to come! Its a great feeling to be so close to the end, but I feel like I may miss having this little sweetheart in my belly! It is like we have a secret love affair! :)
Looking forward to: Everyday that brings me closer to July! 

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