Me with Noah's changing table :) I am sure lots of diaper changes are going to go down here!
How far along? 34. 3 days
Total weight gain: 28lbs and counting hahaha, I am guessing I will be up 33ish lbs in the end.
Maternity clothes? For sure, but nothing is very comfortable besides t shirt and sweats or t shirt and underwear. I have a uniform of yoga pants and a comfy shirt everyday.
Stretch marks? Nope I am just lucky!
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good! I toss and turn all night and then have to get up and pee and that is a mission in itself! No fun at all! But when I am tired I am TIRED! There is no keeping me up at all.
Best moment this week: Watching Noah move around from the outside, he cracks me up!
Symptoms: Achy back, acid reflux (so yucky), feeling heavy, cant walk very far without being totally pooped!
Miss Anything? feeling normal, I feel like I dont know this body that I have and look forward to having this baby!
Movement: Yes he moves a lot but not kicking so much, just a lot of adjusting and getting comfortable.
Gender: Boy
Cravings: Ice and Oreo's!
Labor Signs: nope! Just been having Braxton Hicks, getting ready for baby!
Belly Button in or out? Its an outie for sure
Wedding rings on or off? on but not super comfy, I have been wearing my band a lot more.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am very happy! A little stressed but very happy, I cannot wait to meet baby Noah and I feel like that day seems so far but so close! I am counting down the days!
Looking forward to: Maternity pictures on Sunday, as soon as I have some I will share! I cant wait to see how cute their gonna look :)
This week has been challenging to say the least. I had my last day working which I was unprepared for and was not happy about at all! I wanted and planned to work at least one more week if not two and was told that at this stage in my pregnancy that I was a liability which I feel is totally unfair. Thankfully I am a smart and resourceful woman and have lined up babysitting jobs and some tutoring until the baby is born to make ends meet. I am hoping for some good news this next week, praying for a blessing in my life! I have been working so hard for what I am hoping for and really hope its my turn for a break!
Pregnancy has been mostly great! I am looking forward to feeling normal again, exercising, drinking wine, and most importantly meeting BABY! I cannot wait to dress him up in all his cute clothes, sit around and just watch him be cute, kiss him while he sleeps, and be a mom. It is going to be a life changer!
Here are some of the ideas I have for Sundays maternity pics:
With Oreo's not pickles of course!
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