Thursday, June 28, 2012

37 weeks: Baby is the size of a Winter Melon

How far along? 37. 2 
Total weight gain: 35lbs, think I am maxing out! 
Maternity clothes? All day long and just some loose comfy clothes!
Stretch marks? Nope, lucky me! I use lotion like 3 times a day
Sleep: Sleeping is good aside from waking up every five minutes to pee! So annoying! 
Best moment this week: Saw the baby today and got his estimated weight...doc said he is 7.5 lbs give or take a few ounces. So I am not sure if I should be afraid of a big baby or not! I just dont want it to hurt :/
Symptoms: I am not that comfortable lately, I have a lot of pressure downstairs and my stomach gets so hard at the end of the day!  
Miss Anything? Sitting normal, walking normal, doing a lot of things normal. But soon enough! 
Movement: Yea he's running out of room! This boy is a goof troop! So active! 
Gender: Boy
Cravings: ICE and Oreo's! I could live off those two things! 
Labor Signs: just a lot of pressure and tightening in my tummy. 
Belly Button in or out? a super super outie! 
Wedding rings on or off? wedding ring is on and engagement ring is off! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super Happy but I am the MOST impatient person I know and I have such ants in my pants to meet this little guy! I am walking on the treadmill every day and trying to get it on haha to speed up the babys arrival! I will for sure be having this baby in the next 12 days and I CANT wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Looking forward to: The next doctor visit because then I will have less than a week before baby Noah is here!! :) 

I am nervous about going into labor. Not scared but anxious! I HATE surprises and I want to know what and how it is going to happen! I know it is going to hurt but I want to know how much and how everything is going to play out. I hate when things are up in the air, I guess I just need to have faith and understand that it is going to happen the way it is meant to happen! <3 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

36 weeks: Baby is the size of a honeydew!

It looks like I have a honeydew in my belly! A deliciously sweet as sugar honeydew! 

How far along? 36. 2
Total weight gain: 33 lbs, not worried! I am going to run this off no problem!
Maternity clothes? You betcha! SUper comfy now that I am not working, I can just wear comfy clothes all the time and I am very happy about that! 
Stretch marks? None! The proof is in the picture :) 
Sleep: I LOVE sleeping!! I have been pretty comfortable besides waking up every two hours to pee. I do love the actual sleeping though, I sleep like a really drunk person. 
Best moment this week: Went to the doctors and he said that the baby's head is low and he would induce me at 39 weeks, which means I will have the baby July 10th! 20 DAYS OMG! 
Symptoms: I am actually feeling awesome lately, I was much more uncomfortable a few weeks ago. The only things bothering me are acid reflux and running out of breath easily, but its almost over and I will miss this little guy inside me. 
Miss Anything? Just the wine but in 21 days I am having my wine for sure :)
Movement: All day long, right now he has the hiccups and keeps making my belly jump. Its very entertaining! 
Gender: Boy
Cravings: I just always want ice still! I found the best ice in the world at Melissa's house! I NEED it! 
Labor Signs: just Braxton Hicks and pelvic pressure!
Belly Button in or out? a super super outie! 
Wedding rings on or off? on MOST of the time! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy :) There has been a lot of stress throughout my pregnancy but it all works itself out and in the end I am going to be the happiest ever ! 
Looking forward to: Going to the doctors next Wednesday for an ultra sound and to see how much baby weighs! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

35 weeks : baby is the size of a coconut!

I thought I didn't look that pregnant in this shirt, I was apparently wrong. 

Me and my #1 fan :) 

How far along? 35. 3 days  
Total weight gain: 30lbs, yep its true! 
Maternity clothes? Maternity clothes and hubby's clothes!! Anything that is big and comfy! 
Stretch marks? Still NO I am holding out! 
Sleep: Sleep is just okay! It sucks waking up all night long to pee and it sucks worse to get up out of bed! 
Best moment this week: Everything is the best, I cant wait to meet this little guy!! 
Symptoms: It is basically just my back hurting and the Braxton Hicks are not comfortable at all! 
Miss Anything? having a body that I recognize! This body does not belong to me right now and its only getting worse! 
Movement: He moves all the time, reminds me that he is there!! :) 
Gender: Boy
Cravings:  Ice ICE ICE!!! Why is it just so delicious!???? 
Labor Signs: no, he better wait at least 4 more weeks! 
Belly Button in or out? a super super outie! 
Wedding rings on or off? on MOST of the time! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER SUPER happy! I just love this little baby so much it creeps me out! I want to hug him and kiss him and squeeze him!
Looking forward to: Going to the doctors again on Wednesday, their going to see how much he weighs, I can just imagine he is getting BIG!! 

Baby Noah is fully prepared! 

Baby's room finished! Going to need to find a new spot for stroller eventually. 

His precious little crib that he probley won't see until he is like 5 months old. :)

He's got 2 car seats, a bouncy seat and a cute diaper bag ready to go!

TONS of clothes! You will see so many pictures I'm sure of all his outfit changes. 

Wonder how long these will last??

Mommy's Angel 

Diaper Changing table! 

All his toys, cant wait to wheel him around in the wagon! Maybe for Halloween :)

His comfy bedding!

Swing that I will get a lot of use out of I'm sure!

Stuff for the bath!

His little pack and play in our room!

Where I will rock him to sleep hopefully!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Flashback to Week 5

Today I had my maternity pictures with Brittany done by  Gilcelia! It went really well, I think we got a lot of cute pictures. I also got my pictures from when I was 5 weeks pregnant and looking back I was much skinnier than I thought! MOTIVATION! Thought I would share these cute pics with ya'll. :) 

Thanks Gil for these super cute pics! Pretty soon I will look like this again! I will post maternity pics when I can :) 

Friday, June 8, 2012

34 weeks: Baby is the size of a butternut squash!

Me with Noah's changing table :) I am sure lots of diaper changes are going to go down here!

How far along? 34. 3 days  
Total weight gain: 28lbs and counting hahaha, I am guessing I will be up 33ish lbs in the end. 
Maternity clothes? For sure, but nothing is very comfortable besides t shirt and sweats or t shirt and underwear. I have a uniform of yoga pants and a comfy shirt everyday. 
Stretch marks? Nope I am just lucky! 
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good! I toss and turn all night and then have to get up and pee and that is a mission in itself! No fun at all! But when I am tired I am TIRED! There is no keeping me up at all. 
Best moment this week: Watching Noah move around from the outside, he cracks me up! 
Symptoms: Achy back, acid reflux (so yucky), feeling heavy, cant walk very far without being totally pooped! 
Miss Anything? feeling normal, I feel like I dont know this body that I have and look forward to having this baby! 
Movement: Yes he moves a lot but not kicking so much, just a lot of adjusting and getting comfortable. 
Gender: Boy
Cravings:  Ice and Oreo's! 
Labor Signs: nope! Just been having Braxton Hicks, getting ready for baby! 
Belly Button in or out? Its an outie for sure
Wedding rings on or off? on but not super comfy, I have been wearing my band a lot more. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am very happy! A little stressed but very happy, I cannot wait to meet baby Noah and I feel like that day seems so far but so close! I am counting down the days! 
Looking forward to: Maternity pictures on Sunday, as soon as I have some I will share! I cant wait to see how cute their gonna look :)

This week has been challenging to say the least. I had my last day working which I was unprepared for and was not happy about at all! I wanted and planned to work at least one more week if not two and was told that at this stage in my pregnancy that I was a liability which I feel is totally unfair. Thankfully I am a smart and resourceful woman and have lined up babysitting jobs and some tutoring until the baby is born to make ends meet. I am hoping for some good news this next week, praying for a blessing in my life! I have been working so hard for what I am hoping for and really hope its my turn for a break! 

Pregnancy has been mostly great! I am looking forward to feeling normal again, exercising, drinking wine, and most importantly meeting BABY! I cannot wait to dress him up in all his cute clothes, sit around and just watch him be cute, kiss him while he sleeps, and be a mom. It is going to be a life changer! 

Here are some of the ideas I have for Sundays maternity pics: 

Vintage maternityPregnant eating pickles

With Oreo's not pickles of course! 

Beautiful photomaternitymaternity:)

Sexy pregnant womanMy hair wont be this long, but hope it will look as pretty! 

Friday, June 1, 2012

33 weeks: Baby is the size of a durian (never heard of it!)

This is me on my last day of school! This year flew by! My first year of teaching was such an amazing experience! I learned so much from my students and the great people I worked with. I just cant believe that the year is over! It's bittersweet, because I am very excited for my summer but I am going to miss my little guys :) The kids were so good to me while I was pregnant as was the staff I work with! Thank you to everyone who helped me through this year, I am super grateful! 

How far along? 33.3 weeks  
Total weight gain: 26lbs, its all my big fat baby :)
Maternity clothes? Of course! Aaaand sweat pants and husbands t-shirts! His shirts are even getting tight on me, I can imagine pretty soon they will look like they belong to me!
Stretch marks? Still no LUCKY ME!
Sleep: Sleep has been good because I have been completely EXHAUSTED! I feel like a super drunk person by the end of the day because I am so tired, I could sleep 10 hours and still be tired! 
Best moment this week: Always loving babies movement, its great to know that he is so active! 
Symptoms: My back still hurts at the end of the day and I have restless legs and restless body all the time! I feel like my body is never settled, its so annoying! 
Miss Anything? sitting for longer than a half an hour without having to rush to the bathroom!
Movement: Yep Yep Yep! Noah is hyper!  
Gender: Boy
Cravings: I crave ice like its my job! I want it all day long! 
Labor Signs: nope! 
Belly Button in or out? popped! 
Wedding rings on or off? on! (most of the time)
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am super happy! I feel super excited for baby to come! Its a great feeling to be so close to the end, but I feel like I may miss having this little sweetheart in my belly! It is like we have a secret love affair! :)
Looking forward to: Everyday that brings me closer to July!