Friday, April 27, 2012

28 weeks: Baby is the size of a rutabega!

How far along? 28.3
Total weight gain: 21 lbs! Not as bad as I thought! 
Maternity clothes? Yes, though I want to wear a tshirt and sweats everyday!   
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: ALWAYS TIRED! Sleep is getting better! YAY! 
Best moment this week: Hearing babies heart beat at the doctor ... melts my heart! 
Symptoms:  Same old, getting bigger! I feel like I am getting big, cant wait to go running when baby comes out! 
Miss Anything? nothing major, I know it will be 3 months more of this and I will miss it 
Movement: Yea I have a crazy nut in my tummy! I love this hyper boy
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at all :)
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? its popped out! 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER SUPER SUPER HAPPY! 
Looking forward to: 4D ultra sound in 2 weeks! I CANNOT wait to see Noah's face! 

Thank you Jen and Megan for coming over and feeding me! That was the most delicious meal I have had in a LONG time! It was super nice to see you both! 

Super cute girls! xoxo

Delicious butternut squash soup in a bread bowl! YUM! 

Me waiting patiently to eat! 

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