Friday, May 4, 2012

29 weeks: Baby is the size of an acorn squash!

How far along? 29.3 
Total weight gain: 20 something
Maternity clothes? Oh yea, looking forward to wearing my normal clothes again soon :)   
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Sleep is not the best, my sides get so sore when I sleep and I toss and turn all night, not cute!
Best moment this week: Seeing baby move from the outside all week, he is a NUT!
Symptoms:  Achy back, my uterus feels heavy sometimes too. It is getting harder to get up after laying down and I get sore if I lay for too long. But everything is worth it!! 
Miss Anything? have I mentioned that I miss wine? haha I miss that! 
Movement: All the time, he is a goof ball! I love it, he moves all day long. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope I am lucky! 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? its popped out! 
Wedding rings on or off? On but not that comfortably! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER SUPER SUPER HAPPY! 
Looking forward to: Baby shower on Sunday! I am super happy that my family is doing so much for me for this shower! I am also soooooo stinking excited for my 4D ultra sound! CANT WAIT to see his handsome face!! 

My super super cute baby shower!

Of course my theme was cow/ farm animals! It is no secret that I love everything to do with the farm! I was so happy and surprised about how cute my family made my shower! Thank you so much to everyone who helped in my super special day! I felt very loved and blessed to have such sweet and generous friends and family! Thank you Thank you Thank you! I loved everything! 

Some super nice gifts I got :

Thanks Melissa for the super cute letters and Michelle and Joey for the picture frame! 

Im stocked up! 

Love my cow, thanks gma! 

Super cute stuff!

Love my wagon! Full of baby toys for my little sweetheart! 

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