Me at 25 weeks getting ready to work out! Doc said I need to watch the lb's!
This was not zoomed in enough but I though Ace face looks so cute loving on me! Don't laugh at my socks! hahaha
How far along? 25. 3
Total weight gain: 20 lbs (yikes....but I feel like it is all in my belly! )
Maternity clothes? Yes I have so much to choose from thanks to a parent at my school :)
Stretch marks? Nope nope nope
Sleep: Thankfully this week it is actually getting better! I am actually sleeping! What is really cute is that Noah kicks me all night long so every time I wake up to pee I feel the little guy.
Best moment this week: Getting new health insurance so my bill for the delivery will be SO much cheaper! Thank you God for answering my prayers!!!!
Symptoms: Restless legs at night when I lay down for too long. Hate that feeling...ggrrrrr...!
Miss Anything? WINE!!! And taking a hot bath!
Movement: Yes he is a little sweetheart <3
Food cravings: Not this week, just trying to eat healthy! No more ice cream!
Anything making you queasy or sick: This week it is actually cereal! haha
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? Super flat
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and feeling so much less stressed!
Looking forward to: Every day that brings me closer to meeting Noah, I just LOVE him!
I was sitting on my couch today and I got a knock at the door, it was UPS! I got a surprise gift from my boss, it was my Snugglebunny baby seat! Thank you guys! I am so excited! :) He will be so comfy!
I cant wait until my baby shower next month :)
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