Sunday, February 26, 2012

19 weeks : Baby G is the size of a mango! I'm sure he is bigger at the rate he is growing!

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: 8lbs 
Maternity clothes? For work and I am wearing maternity pants for sure and mix in some of my normal shirts/ dresses, at home I am a sweats and t-shirt girl all the way! 
Stretch marks? Nope!! 
Sleep: Getting better, I almost slept through the night last night! 
Best moment this week: Seeing baby G growing so BIG on the sonogram! Feeling him kick or whatever crazy things he is doing inside! 
Symptoms: my legs fall asleep sometimes when I lay down for too long, how annoying!! 
Miss Anything? I still miss drinking wine...grrrr 
Movement: Yes he is a little nut in my tummy! He is practicing his Taekwondo and I love every second of it :)
Food cravings: Not so much anymore which is good, I just always crave food, always hungry! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: smelling meat cook, I literally could barf. 
Gender: Definitely a boy, we saw his little penis at our ultrasound this week and I couldn't be happier! 
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In-ish 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time:Very happy! A little crazy sometimes and I cant even help myself. 
Looking forward to: Michelle's bridal shower this next weekend and spending the weekend with Remie, Aspen, mom and my preggo TWIN! 

My 19 week appointment

This week I went to my 19 week appointment and I got to see my little man for 45 minutes in an ultrasound! I was so excited to see how well he is doing! He had perfect 10 fingers and 10 toes and an adorable profile I just cannot wait to kiss! When the woman was performing the ultrasound she kept saying "this little guy wont stay still!" and I just love that he is a feisty little man. The doctor told us that baby G is in the 90th percentile of growth, like his femur bone, his tummy and his head, so I am guessing he is going to get BIGGER soon! He weighed 12 ounces when he is only supposed to be about 7! Needless to say I have ants in my pants for the next half of my pregnancy, I just cant wait to meet my little dollface! 

Look at that tummy!! His nose also looks kissable! :)
Our clarification he is a HE for sure! 

What I want for baby:


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