18 Weeks Pregnant!
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs
Maternity clothes? Oh yea, I am fighting it on my jeans but I am giving up that battle quickly.
Stretch marks? No hoping that continues (fingers crossed)
Sleep: Sometimes great and sometimes sucks, I have crazy dreams, and I cannot get comfortable!
Best moment this week: Everything <3
Miss Anything? Running on the treadmill, I walk now often but running is so much more fun!
Movement: yes, especially at the end of the day when I am laying down. He must wait until he knows I will feel him.
Food cravings: I want strawberry everything!
Anything making you queasy or sick: NONE
Gender: boy, but we go Monday to have 100% confirmation! (they have seen his little member twice but this week we will get the final verdict!)
Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: some cramps from my stomach growing!
Belly Button in or out? In, feels streched though.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER Happy!
Looking forward to: Monday for that super exciting long ultra sound! I am so anxious to see the little guy and see that he is growing perfectly as he has been :)
I have been super lucky in getting stuff as a hand-me-down, gift or at a super good deal from friends and family. Just like I did my wedding on a budget I plan to do Baby G on a budget as well. I refuse to buy anything at full price and already I am clipping diaper and baby coupons in case something goes on sale! Some things I have gotten so far are :
The inspiration for Baby G's room! As you can tell I love everything that has to do with cows and I'm sure my baby will too! This was a gift from my lovely step mother from Ikea! I cant wait to hang it :)
Can you even tell how many clothes there are here on this bed?? Not joking there are over 50 outfits here including hats, socks, shoes, sweaters, onseies, holiday clothes, pants, pajamas, everything we will need until the baby is 6 months old, so if you are planning to come to my baby shower please remember this! :) These were a hand-me-down from one of my students mothers who just had twins. Some of these outfits still have tags! I am very excited about these if you cant tell!
My mom bought me the gliding rocking chair from a friend at her job and the changing table I got for 50$ from the same woman! I am getting very antsy to decorate the babies room, it is going to be so cute and happy for our little angel! Keep checking and I will let you know of more deals I get!
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