Sunday, February 12, 2012

17 weeks : baby is the size of a large onion!

This week hubby and I went on a babymoon to Island of Adventure! It was a Christmas gift to us from an awesome friend of ours and we were so lucky to have the time to do this! It was terribly hard to leave our dogs, they are more like family to us! Thankfully my wonderful step mom and my dad stayed at our house to dog sit! We had to much fun on our trip minus my little breakdown I had. I was trying not to be a party pooper so I just walked and walked and pushed my body too far, the tip of my iceberg was the pouring down rain I had to walk through and couldn't walk fast enough!! But the next day I decided to take it much easier with the help of my awesome hubby! Super happy we got to spend the time together that we did :)

17 Weeks Pregnant :)

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs! 
Maternity clothes? Wearing loose clothes and maternity clothes, prefer my sweat pants and hubby's t-shirt!  
Stretch marks? Nope! Got my Mustela in the mail, happy to start using it!
Sleep: Great besides the crazy dreams!
Best moment this week: Spending time with my hubby and woman at the park shop noticed I was pregnant (so thats cool that I look pregnant and not just fat) 
Miss Anything? Taking a bath and drinking wine. 
Movement: yes
Food cravings: sweets, sweets and sweets.
Anything making you queasy or sick: NONE
Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: Zits, I could do without that symptom! When is this glowing skin supposed to start??
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER Happy!
Looking forward to: 18.6 week appointment next week, cant wait for my 45 minute ultrasound :)

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