Sunday, February 26, 2012

19 weeks : Baby G is the size of a mango! I'm sure he is bigger at the rate he is growing!

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: 8lbs 
Maternity clothes? For work and I am wearing maternity pants for sure and mix in some of my normal shirts/ dresses, at home I am a sweats and t-shirt girl all the way! 
Stretch marks? Nope!! 
Sleep: Getting better, I almost slept through the night last night! 
Best moment this week: Seeing baby G growing so BIG on the sonogram! Feeling him kick or whatever crazy things he is doing inside! 
Symptoms: my legs fall asleep sometimes when I lay down for too long, how annoying!! 
Miss Anything? I still miss drinking wine...grrrr 
Movement: Yes he is a little nut in my tummy! He is practicing his Taekwondo and I love every second of it :)
Food cravings: Not so much anymore which is good, I just always crave food, always hungry! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: smelling meat cook, I literally could barf. 
Gender: Definitely a boy, we saw his little penis at our ultrasound this week and I couldn't be happier! 
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In-ish 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time:Very happy! A little crazy sometimes and I cant even help myself. 
Looking forward to: Michelle's bridal shower this next weekend and spending the weekend with Remie, Aspen, mom and my preggo TWIN! 

My 19 week appointment

This week I went to my 19 week appointment and I got to see my little man for 45 minutes in an ultrasound! I was so excited to see how well he is doing! He had perfect 10 fingers and 10 toes and an adorable profile I just cannot wait to kiss! When the woman was performing the ultrasound she kept saying "this little guy wont stay still!" and I just love that he is a feisty little man. The doctor told us that baby G is in the 90th percentile of growth, like his femur bone, his tummy and his head, so I am guessing he is going to get BIGGER soon! He weighed 12 ounces when he is only supposed to be about 7! Needless to say I have ants in my pants for the next half of my pregnancy, I just cant wait to meet my little dollface! 

Look at that tummy!! His nose also looks kissable! :)
Our clarification he is a HE for sure! 

What I want for baby:


Saturday, February 18, 2012

18 weeks : Baby is the size of a sweet potato!

18 Weeks Pregnant! 

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs 
Maternity clothes? Oh yea, I am fighting it on my jeans but I am giving up that battle quickly. 
Stretch marks? No hoping that continues (fingers crossed)
Sleep: Sometimes great and sometimes sucks, I have crazy dreams, and I cannot get comfortable! 
Best moment this week: Everything <3
Miss Anything? Running on the treadmill, I walk now often but running is so much more fun! 
Movement: yes, especially at the end of the day when I am laying down. He must wait until he knows I will feel him. 
Food cravings: I want strawberry everything!
Anything making you queasy or sick: NONE
Gender: boy, but we go Monday to have 100% confirmation! (they have seen his little member twice but this week we will get the final verdict!) 
Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: some cramps from my stomach growing!
Belly Button in or out? In, feels streched though. 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER Happy!
Looking forward to: Monday for that super exciting long ultra sound! I am so anxious to see the little guy and see that he is growing perfectly as he has been :)

I have been super lucky in getting stuff as a hand-me-down, gift or at a super good deal from friends and family. Just like I did my wedding on a budget I plan to do Baby G on a budget as well. I refuse to buy anything at full price and already I am clipping diaper and baby coupons in case something goes on sale!  Some things I have gotten so far are : 

The inspiration for Baby G's room! As you can tell I love everything that has to do with cows and I'm sure my baby will too! This was a gift from my lovely step mother from Ikea! I cant wait to hang it :)

Can you even tell how many clothes there are here on this bed?? Not joking there are over 50 outfits here including hats, socks, shoes, sweaters, onseies, holiday clothes, pants, pajamas, everything we will need until the baby is 6 months old, so if you are planning to come to my baby shower please remember this! :) These were a hand-me-down from one of my students mothers who just had twins. Some of these outfits still have tags! I am very excited about these if you cant tell! 

My mom bought me the gliding rocking chair from a friend at her job and the changing table I got for 50$ from the same woman! I am getting very antsy to decorate the babies room, it is going to be so cute and happy for our little angel! Keep checking and I will let you know of more deals I get! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

17 weeks : baby is the size of a large onion!

This week hubby and I went on a babymoon to Island of Adventure! It was a Christmas gift to us from an awesome friend of ours and we were so lucky to have the time to do this! It was terribly hard to leave our dogs, they are more like family to us! Thankfully my wonderful step mom and my dad stayed at our house to dog sit! We had to much fun on our trip minus my little breakdown I had. I was trying not to be a party pooper so I just walked and walked and pushed my body too far, the tip of my iceberg was the pouring down rain I had to walk through and couldn't walk fast enough!! But the next day I decided to take it much easier with the help of my awesome hubby! Super happy we got to spend the time together that we did :)

17 Weeks Pregnant :)

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs! 
Maternity clothes? Wearing loose clothes and maternity clothes, prefer my sweat pants and hubby's t-shirt!  
Stretch marks? Nope! Got my Mustela in the mail, happy to start using it!
Sleep: Great besides the crazy dreams!
Best moment this week: Spending time with my hubby and woman at the park shop noticed I was pregnant (so thats cool that I look pregnant and not just fat) 
Miss Anything? Taking a bath and drinking wine. 
Movement: yes
Food cravings: sweets, sweets and sweets.
Anything making you queasy or sick: NONE
Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: Zits, I could do without that symptom! When is this glowing skin supposed to start??
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER Happy!
Looking forward to: 18.6 week appointment next week, cant wait for my 45 minute ultrasound :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

16 weeks: Baby is the size of an avocado!

I had a nice long weekend the last couple days and I also get one more day off tomorrow which I am super happy about! I am taking full advantage of my couch and being with my hubby. This week I have really felt like I finally look pregnant, people are actually seeing it too which is cool. My students at school are asking questions and thats an interesting topic to tip toe around! I am very happy though, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Looking forward to the next few months. 

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain: 6lbs! 
Maternity clothes? Oh yea, defintley for bottoms and I am trying to wear lots of dresses. 
Stretch marks? Nope! I am putting Cocoa Butter 3 times a day!
Sleep: Always good minus the waking up to pee 2-3 times a night. 
Best moment this week: Feeling baby flip around inside like a goldfish. 
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night. ( I know it will only get worse!)
Movement: Yes and LOVE it 
Food cravings: Pasta, need to avoid that craving. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: NONE
Gender: Still a boy :)

Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: Just a super full bladder all the time
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER Happy!
Looking forward to: Babymoon! 

By the way, my dogs could not be any cuter, I just wanted to share a precious moment because it is SO CUTE!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Baby is getting BIG!

Went to the doctors the other day for a blood draw and asked for another sex check (really I just wanted to see the little guy again) and they said they still think he is a boy! But we will know 100% February 15th :) But all is well with baby and he is getting big and super cute! Look at his cheeks and his nose! So precious! Feeling great! 16 week post is coming soon :)