Saturday, August 25, 2012

Its been a while

I know I have not updated in a while, my camera has been broken and I have not been able to upload any pics. I have some pictures from my Iphone to share with you!

Since the last time I wrote baby Noah has gotten so big! He is over 11.5 lbs now and is almost wearing his size 2 diapers! He just eats and eats and eats! When he is hungry he goes from 0-60 in a half of a second, and that bottle needs to be ready!! You would swear he hasn't been fed in days! 

His favorite thing now is to take a bath! He just sits in his little whale tub and kicks his legs and punches his arms. He literally will kick and punch for as long as I let him! We always sing "kick, kick, punch punch, kick, kick, punch, punch" and I really think Noah likes my singing voice, he is the only one! I always sing Miranda Lambert to him too, little country boy. 

I started work last week, it was so hard to go from every day with him to only half the days and the weekends. I cried the first few days but I do realize that I am blessed to have a good job that will benefit    baby Noah, and I keep telling him he will have a good Christmas! I'm going to buy him lots of presents :) The baby is with family while I work so I am super lucky for that! 

Looks like Noah might see his first hurricane! I am being selfish and hope there is no school Monday so I can spend time with him! I have never really prepared for a hurricane for real, I have always just made sure I had enough wine and dessert! This time I am making sure baby has enough formula and water and everything he needs. Hopefully it is just a tropical storm. 

Here are some pictures to hold you over until I can upload new pics----<3 

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