Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Camera!

Hello! I haven't been able to upload any new pics from my camera in a long time because I lost the cord! I have so many cute pics on that camera that I dont know how to get off! There are so many bath and family pictures that I would love to share but not sure how, I hope I can find the cord! However my sweet In Laws gave me their camera which I am so happy about because I can get back to my picture taking and sharing! Thank you again Chong and Al! :) 

I am so happy that my family is able to keep up with the baby and all the cute things he does through this website. I intentionally made this site for my husbands family in California to follow my pregnancy and now to follow Noah so I am very happy that they have been able to do so. 

Work has been keeping me crazy busy and I look forward all day to coming home to my two favorite men in my life. I look at pictures of Noah throughout the day to make me smile! 

The thing I am finding challenging now is to loose this freaking baby weight! I have never had to diet to loose weight before and it SUCKS! I have 20 lbs to be back to normal and 25 to be ideal for me. Noah and I have a new routine every day when I get home from work: I snuggle him for like 30 minutes and change us both into our work out clothes and then we go for a 30-45 minute walk with a friend of mine, then we come home, take a bath and eat dinner and snuggle some more until he falls asleep. He seems to like our new plan! I am praying this works to get me back in shape! I will update you on that progress as well! 

Thank you to everyone who has been following my blog, hope you enjoy it! :) 

Baby and Grandma 
You guys are so sweet coming over every weekend. We all look forward to it! 

Grandpa holding Noah, looking cute! 

Uncle Manny ! 

I think he was pooping in the pic above, he always makes that face and turns red and makes a goofy grunting noise. 

Maybe after poop?? lol 

Look at that profile! So kissable!

Another grandma :)

Daddy and baby snuggling! 

Doggies hanging out with the little guy 

Look at that fat face!!!!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hurricane cutie

This hurricane gave my an extra day off from work! I was so happy that I could spend more time with my little man, I think he was happy too. We started off the day by sleeping in until 9am, which is really late for us! We stayed in our PJ's all day and snuggled and took a 3 hour nap in bed which was so cute!

Next thing we will do is his favorite...BATH TIME. He will kick and punch in the bath forever, last night it was 30 minutes before I finally took him out! He is going to be a swimmer Im sure. 

I hope there will be more hurricane days like this, we just got a lot of rain and wind and snuggles! 

<3 <3 <3 Love this boy so much 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Its been a while

I know I have not updated in a while, my camera has been broken and I have not been able to upload any pics. I have some pictures from my Iphone to share with you!

Since the last time I wrote baby Noah has gotten so big! He is over 11.5 lbs now and is almost wearing his size 2 diapers! He just eats and eats and eats! When he is hungry he goes from 0-60 in a half of a second, and that bottle needs to be ready!! You would swear he hasn't been fed in days! 

His favorite thing now is to take a bath! He just sits in his little whale tub and kicks his legs and punches his arms. He literally will kick and punch for as long as I let him! We always sing "kick, kick, punch punch, kick, kick, punch, punch" and I really think Noah likes my singing voice, he is the only one! I always sing Miranda Lambert to him too, little country boy. 

I started work last week, it was so hard to go from every day with him to only half the days and the weekends. I cried the first few days but I do realize that I am blessed to have a good job that will benefit    baby Noah, and I keep telling him he will have a good Christmas! I'm going to buy him lots of presents :) The baby is with family while I work so I am super lucky for that! 

Looks like Noah might see his first hurricane! I am being selfish and hope there is no school Monday so I can spend time with him! I have never really prepared for a hurricane for real, I have always just made sure I had enough wine and dessert! This time I am making sure baby has enough formula and water and everything he needs. Hopefully it is just a tropical storm. 

Here are some pictures to hold you over until I can upload new pics----<3 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Being a Mom

I knew that being a mom was not going to be easy. I knew it was going to be full of love and cuteness and cheek pinching and snuggling and everything good. What I didn't even think of was how SCARY it is at the same time. I have never loved and cared for someone so much and it scares me to think of everything that could happen in this little boys life. 

I worry about every noise, every face and every movement he makes or doesn't make. I think I am totally normal right?? I have been such a mess of emotions every day: happy, worried, sad about going back to work next week, HAPPY and a little CraZZZZy. Some moments I feel like I just cant make this boy happy, he cries like he is starving after he has eaten both boobs and a 3oz bottle! I know he is not hungry, and I rock him and bounce him and kiss him and nothing works until he realizes that he is not hungry he is just tired! I keep forgetting that sometimes babies just cry and I cant fix EVERYTHING as much as I want to. 

I love the feeling of loving someone so much. I would do anything and everything for this boy, to make him happy and see him smile. Everything about him is precious and perfect and I have been thanking God every day for blessing me with the sweetest baby in the world!

Here are some more cute pics of the little angel :) ENJOY

Looking at the angels


Going to the doctors, he does not look happy.

Berkley stuff from his cousin Katie

helping mommy do the laundry

Yawning so cute

Aunt Remie loves her baby Noah

Looking a little sweaty before his bath

His favorite place in the whole world!