Saturday, March 10, 2012

Baby G, you couldn't be any cuter!

My little Baby G, 

You really could not be any cuter! Last night I felt you kick me so hard that I saw your little baby foot from the OUTSIDE, which made my life! It was uncomfortable but more than that it was AwEsOmE! It made me LOVE you even more than I already do, if that is even possible! I thought I knew what a mothers love felt like with my little brothers and sisters (and with my 5 dogs <3) But NoW I really know!

You are a funny little man... super hyper in the day when I am at work and then when I get home you are calm, daddy has only felt you move twice now because you are so calm at home! WAKE UP so daddy believes me how much you kick! :) Over spring break its your time to shine for him! He will be super excited to see your baby foot kick from the outside! 

I am antsy to decide on a name for you but your dad wants to wait, he thinks we will keep changing our mind before you come. We are tossing around the names Dean, Elliot, Aiden and Brandon. I am secretly calling you Dean and Aiden to see which you like better until your dad can agree with me! Your middle name has to be Julio after your uncle who passed away that we would have loved to have in your life. You are LUCKY to share that name and your dad is very happy about it and so am I! 

 You make my day and every day to come, I am 21 weeks now..almost 22 weeks and I am counting down until the day I can squeeze your chubby cheeks and kiss your fat belly! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you already baby!

Your super excited MOM :) 

P.s I hope you like cows because you are going to be seeing a lot of them in your room! If you cannot tell I love them too :)