Saturday, September 8, 2012

Busy Baby

Happy weekend! I love my weekends obviously because I get to spend the whole day with my little man. It is great to wake up and just snuggle with him. He always wakes up so happy! I cant help but wake up happy too :)

I am loving my new job, my first graders are really cute and the people I work with are great. I feel very lucky to have a good job and am crossing my fingers for my hubby to get the job that he is hoping for too!

I hate having to TRY to lose weight! I have never had to put effort into it. Baby Noah and I are still walking most days of the week and I am doing weight training too! Hope it pays off! I just need to lay off the ice cream which sucks!

We have been spending a lot of time with family lately and I have taken some pictures to share! Here is your update on his super cuteness:

The pic above is how he wakes up in the morning! 

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