Monday, July 30, 2012

Garcia Family Pictures 7-29-12

Al, Noah and I went to my dad and Fran's house yesterday to spend time with them and Britt, Brian and Banjo. Britt brought her awesome camera and got some really cute pics of our little family! I am so happy with them, can't wait to frame some! Thank you Britt and Brian :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Milk Coma : By Baby Noah

One of the many cute things about Noah is his look after he finishes a bottle or breast feeding. He looks milk drunk, his squishy body gets all soft and just falls like a pile of mush. When he is in this state I can kiss him and squeeze him as much as I want, which I totally take advantage of. :) 

Here is a taste of cuteness of my little obsession ------>

Noah and Scarlette were sleeping together, she loves to snuggle him, MELTS MY HEART! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Just Because

I have no news, just thought I would share some precious pictures of my little guy just because he makes me happy and I thought he could share the happiness with all of you! 

I gave the little dollface a bath and tried combing his hair down, it only lasted like 2 minutes before it stood straight up again. He is just meant to be a rockstar <3

His hair looks awesome here!

My favorite face, it looks like he's asking to be kissed! 

Brittany's fave face 

He gets kissed all day long !

This was so precious, my hubby and my dog slept like this for so long, it was a snuggle session for sure. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My sweet sister took Noah and I to my doctor yesterday for a check up on my incision, and Noah was so good! He was awake the whole time which is super rare, and he kept making this face! I think he knows now that it makes me laugh so he does it ALL the time! Noah made plenty of fans at the doctor, everyone always comments on the hair and they say he looks older than 2 weeks old. I just think he is the MOST precious little guy on the planet! I know I am obsessed <3<3<3

In other news, I lost 20 pounds!!! Can you believe it? 20 pounds in 2 weeks, only 20 pounds more to go! I cant wait to fit back into my old clothes, I am sure I can fit the shirts but not all my shirts look good with sweat pants which is all I have been wearing since my incision has been infected. I go back to the doctors tomorrow, hopefully they say that my incision is getting better and I wont have to go back for a month! 

I have been enjoying my time home with my baby so much, I just never want my days to end because it is one say sooner that I have to go back to work. :( Thank God though that I will be able to provide everything for my baby and good health insurance. I am blessed that I can do that and a teachers schedule is perfect. 

I am just happier and more emotional and tired than I have ever been, wouldn't change any part of it for anything in the world. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The many faces of Baby Noah

This super handsome baby Noah has so many faces it just makes my day. He is so funny and cute and happy! Every day I fall more and more in love with him <3 Here are just some of the funny and cute faces he makes...hope you enjoy as much as I do ! 

This is my pirate face

This is my "what is this??" face

Milk drunk baby

"Why did you wake me up before 10am??" face

"Your the milk lady huh?" face

Looking out the window face

"I think I might be getting tired now" face

Mommy squashing my cheeks face

Love Aunt Brittany! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happiest days EVER EVER EVER

I cant even begin to say how obsessed in love I am with my little man. I can not stop looking at him, kissing, hugging, snuggling, talking and just being with Noah. He is the sweetest baby I have ever known, and I am not biased! He only cries when he is naked or hungry and even still his cry is so quiet, its like he doesn't want to cry but he doesn't know what else to say.

I have had a little trouble with breast feeding, I love it so much, its awesome bonding time but I had a few days where I was so sore I could just cry every time he latched on. We have been practicing his latch and it has been getting better thankfully, cause this little boy loves the boob!

He always has his hands on his face, like he did in my ultra sound pictures and he is always kicking his legs. Every day that I wake up I am beyond happy to see him in the crib right next to me. I usually wake up like every 20 minutes and check on him, I am a paranoid parent I guess. I just make sure he is breathing and moving around!

Our little family feels so complete, I love seeing my hubby with Noah, they are so in love and it makes me so happy! It is just the cutest thing in the world to see the two people I love so much so in love. My husband has become even more handsome to me! He is so good with the baby, lets me sleep so much at night and he takes care of baby :)

I hope all my days go by very slow so I can spend as much time loving on this boy that I can before I go back to work. Cant someone pay me just for being an awesome mom??