Monday, November 26, 2012

Little things

Life has been hectic and crazy and wonderful! I stopped teaching which I thought so long and hard about and I am so looking forward to spending more time with Noah and less time on the road. I had a tough time spending 12-14 hours a day away from the person in the world who I love so much! The money was good but I will never have this time back and I feel super blessed to be given the chance to spend more time with him. My hubby will be working more and I will be working part time again which I am so much happier about.

We are moving also which I am looking forward to because living in the house I do now (the house that I LOVE) is just too far from Hubby's job and from his mom who watches Noah while we work. I am super sad to be moving far from my twin and my family but I am determined to make it work and see them as much as possible. Noah has been doing much better in the car which I am super happy about! He can entertain himself a bit and then he has been falling asleep, which I try to plan any car trip for his nap time and it works so far!

For some reason Noah thinks he is a newborn again and wakes up every 4 hours to eat at night! No matter what I do he still does that! I have tried a later bathtime, later bed time, sleep feeding and more and nothing works. I know some people say to let him cry and he will learn in a few days but I cannot possibly listen to the little guy cry when I am capable of fixing it! His tears BREAK my heart!

I need to upload my pics from my camera, which I will do asap but I am posting some from my phone and some I got from Britt :) Love this little guy so much

Noah and his cool dude cousin/bff at his first picnic with some other baby buddies. 

Noah is like " Im gonna eat you!"

On the phone looking cute

Could you kiss his lips?!?!? 

Happy, just happy ;)

Look so similar with this smile! 

I feel so blessed to have such a happy baby! He is always smiling and laughing and his personality is so sweet and positive! I think he will be like me and just always be happy no matter what his circumstance. Although he will never have a reason to be sad or mad or anything if I can control that and anyone who ever hurts his feelings will see my very rare mean side!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My big baby....

Noah is four months now! Crazy how time flies! 

He is 17 1/2 lbs and 25 inches now! 

Cant wait to start feeding him veggies, I will let you know how that goes. 


Every day that we spend with this little guy is the best day ever!!!! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Countdown to 4 months

Baby Noah is getting to be a big baby! He seems to grow every day and he is feeling extra heavy these days. He will be four months on the 11th and I can't believe how quickly time flies. I keep asking myself how I ever did life without this little guy. He makes everything so much more important and also some things less important.

He is 18 lbs now and wearing size 3 diapers which are fitting snug. He has outgrown all his 3 month clothes and is wearing 6-9 months which I need to get more of! He is eating cereal in his milk, we started with the oatmeal cereal but he has been having bad poop for like 10 days so we switched to rice cereal and I hope it will straighten him out! He does not sleep through the night, I think that he thinks he is a new born again because he wakes up 2 times a night to eat! I read somewhere that around 4 months they are more socially aware and they can wake up more in the night because they want the attention and they could be practicing their new moves, which Noah has a lot of! He has been rolling over which I am so happy about! He rolls from his tummy to his back. He hates being on his tummy so he was determined to get on his back! He also has been playing with toys which is so cute, he picks stuff up and actually plays with it.

He still hates the car. When I say hate I mean HATES the car. He screams until he is purple in the face and choking on his spit. Wish I knew what the heck to do because we are prisoners in our home!

This boy has brought more joy to our lives than anything I could ever imagine! I feel so blessed to love someone so perfect :)

Could he be any more rolly polly?

Baby Bradley being sweet as always 

Me with the two sweet hearts 



Just reading a book 

Cute sweet pea costume Grandma Garcia made :) 

Waking up to this face is the best 

Holding his own bottle 

Soaking his poor tushy from a diaper rash 

eating everything!