We are moving also which I am looking forward to because living in the house I do now (the house that I LOVE) is just too far from Hubby's job and from his mom who watches Noah while we work. I am super sad to be moving far from my twin and my family but I am determined to make it work and see them as much as possible. Noah has been doing much better in the car which I am super happy about! He can entertain himself a bit and then he has been falling asleep, which I try to plan any car trip for his nap time and it works so far!
For some reason Noah thinks he is a newborn again and wakes up every 4 hours to eat at night! No matter what I do he still does that! I have tried a later bathtime, later bed time, sleep feeding and more and nothing works. I know some people say to let him cry and he will learn in a few days but I cannot possibly listen to the little guy cry when I am capable of fixing it! His tears BREAK my heart!
I need to upload my pics from my camera, which I will do asap but I am posting some from my phone and some I got from Britt :) Love this little guy so much
Noah and his cool dude cousin/bff at his first picnic with some other baby buddies.
Noah is like " Im gonna eat you!"
On the phone looking cute
Could you kiss his lips?!?!?
Happy, just happy ;)
Look so similar with this smile!
I feel so blessed to have such a happy baby! He is always smiling and laughing and his personality is so sweet and positive! I think he will be like me and just always be happy no matter what his circumstance. Although he will never have a reason to be sad or mad or anything if I can control that and anyone who ever hurts his feelings will see my very rare mean side!!!!!!!!!!!