Thursday, January 31, 2013

Busy busy

I know it has been too long since I posted! Over a month, things are so crazy in my life all the time that when I do get time to be home I don't want to be on my computer, plus Noah always tries to eat my lap top. Not much is changed since last time I posted....still working part time and still looking for a new place to live but were crossing our fingers we have found a place!

Baby Noah is almost 7 months (crazy how time goes so fast!). He has been trying to crawl, not totally up on his knees but he can get  clear across a room by pulling his arms and scooting his legs! He also has been sitting up by himself which is so cute! He looks so grown up when he does that.

He is such a good eater! We are so blessed to have such an easy awesome baby, he is the best blessing in the world and I am super super in LOVE! I am thinking I am going to be that mom who is super over protective of Noah's I might just get mean if someone ever hurts him intentionally, and I don't get mean hardly ever but for him I know I will. I just am going to have to find a balance between protecting him and also allowing him to problem solve in his own special way. I am sure he is going to have a sweet soul, this boy cries if he hurts you or if he hears another baby crying, I think he is just a sensitive boy that makes me so proud.

I love getting to know him everyday... the things that make him laugh, cry, worry, smile, get scared, be affectionate. It's the cutest thing when he holds my face and plants a wet one on my cheek!

Christmas baby

Happy Hour

Too cute 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

December to Remember

Our sweet baby boy is five and a half months old! I cannot believe how time flies! I remember brining this boy home from the hospital and wondering how I got so truly blessed. Last year at this time I was so happy to be pregnant and was thinking "this time next year I will have a five month old baby" and now here we are. 

Baby Noah has been changing so much the last month! I feel like he is doing something new everyday!  He got his first little tooth! I went to work one day and it was not there and got home a few hours later and it was there! Noah loves to feel his new tooth, he always is rubbing it with one little finger. He is also trying so hard to sit up on his own. He gets so frustrated when he cant. He army crawls and rolls around on the floor like crazy! 

We have been having so much fun eating real food! So far he has tried:




sweet potato

I am so excited to celebrate Christmas this year with my husband and Noah  and Bradley! There are so many new lives to be thankful for this year and next year is going to be so much fun!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Little things

Life has been hectic and crazy and wonderful! I stopped teaching which I thought so long and hard about and I am so looking forward to spending more time with Noah and less time on the road. I had a tough time spending 12-14 hours a day away from the person in the world who I love so much! The money was good but I will never have this time back and I feel super blessed to be given the chance to spend more time with him. My hubby will be working more and I will be working part time again which I am so much happier about.

We are moving also which I am looking forward to because living in the house I do now (the house that I LOVE) is just too far from Hubby's job and from his mom who watches Noah while we work. I am super sad to be moving far from my twin and my family but I am determined to make it work and see them as much as possible. Noah has been doing much better in the car which I am super happy about! He can entertain himself a bit and then he has been falling asleep, which I try to plan any car trip for his nap time and it works so far!

For some reason Noah thinks he is a newborn again and wakes up every 4 hours to eat at night! No matter what I do he still does that! I have tried a later bathtime, later bed time, sleep feeding and more and nothing works. I know some people say to let him cry and he will learn in a few days but I cannot possibly listen to the little guy cry when I am capable of fixing it! His tears BREAK my heart!

I need to upload my pics from my camera, which I will do asap but I am posting some from my phone and some I got from Britt :) Love this little guy so much

Noah and his cool dude cousin/bff at his first picnic with some other baby buddies. 

Noah is like " Im gonna eat you!"

On the phone looking cute

Could you kiss his lips?!?!? 

Happy, just happy ;)

Look so similar with this smile! 

I feel so blessed to have such a happy baby! He is always smiling and laughing and his personality is so sweet and positive! I think he will be like me and just always be happy no matter what his circumstance. Although he will never have a reason to be sad or mad or anything if I can control that and anyone who ever hurts his feelings will see my very rare mean side!!!!!!!!!!!