Baby Noah is almost 7 months (crazy how time goes so fast!). He has been trying to crawl, not totally up on his knees but he can get clear across a room by pulling his arms and scooting his legs! He also has been sitting up by himself which is so cute! He looks so grown up when he does that.
He is such a good eater! We are so blessed to have such an easy awesome baby, he is the best blessing in the world and I am super super in LOVE! I am thinking I am going to be that mom who is super over protective of Noah's I might just get mean if someone ever hurts him intentionally, and I don't get mean hardly ever but for him I know I will. I just am going to have to find a balance between protecting him and also allowing him to problem solve in his own special way. I am sure he is going to have a sweet soul, this boy cries if he hurts you or if he hears another baby crying, I think he is just a sensitive boy that makes me so proud.
I love getting to know him everyday... the things that make him laugh, cry, worry, smile, get scared, be affectionate. It's the cutest thing when he holds my face and plants a wet one on my cheek!
Christmas baby
Happy Hour
Too cute